October Meeting - Tish Hevel
Tue, Oct 24
|Georgia Room at Brandon Wilde

Time & Location
Oct 24, 2023, 6:00 PM
Georgia Room at Brandon Wilde, 4275 Owens Rd, Evans, GA 30809, USA
About the event
Please join us on Tuesday, October 24th at 6 pm, in the Georgia Room at Brandon Wilde, or live on Zoom and Facebook. We are excited to welcome Tish Hevel, the Founder/CEO of The Brain Donor Project, a unique nonprofit that exclusively supports the brain banks of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the NeuroBioBank. The Brain Donor Project was established in late 2016 to raise awareness of the critical need for donated brain tissue to advance the science of brain disease and to simplify the process of becoming a brain donor. Tish is a dynamic presenter and is passionate about the cause on a personal and professional level. Please bring a covered potluck dish if you are able. We will provide chicken strips and beverages. Hope to see you there!
Our meeting will also be available live at facebook.com/parkinsoncsra and on Zoom through this link: us02web.zoom.us/j/85853349155?pwd=WVlTTUltaE5EWEI1dmxOTTUxeGlvUT09.